With the Velox and the Velox / MAX, SXT offers two first-class Padelecs in its range.
The frames of both models are made made of a high-quality magnesium alloy,
This material makes the e-bikes stable, resistant and thus ensure a safe for a safe driving experience.
The vehicles can be folded in just a few folded in just a few easy steps and thus reduced to an extremely compact size for transport.
The battery is protected against theft with a key theft with a key and can also be charged outside the vehicle.
With a motor output of 250 Watt brings the brushless scar motor the Velox, Velox / MAX to a maximum speed of speed of 25 km/h.
The handlebar-mounted control unit is equipped with an LCD screen, which displays the battery the battery charge level, the current speed current speed, as well as the driving mode well readable and adjustable.
Size comparison
Size comparison


The vehicles can be folded in just a few steps and thus reduced to an extremely compact size for transport.
